Final Logo

My Logo is a simple design, consisting of 5 separate layers. In order, these layers make up the stars on the center triangle, the triangle itself, the 2 lines of text on the image, and the base circle comprising the background of the image. The background is a simple sphere, with a gradient going from white to dark blue and a hard 2-tone line encircling it. The triangle, the lone decoration on this logo, is a dark purple with feathered edges and a diffuse glow layered over a homogeneous 1-tone triangle. The stars on the triangle are flares simplified down to a single radius, with varying sizes to represent different sizes/distances of stars. The text, likewise, is simple. On the left we have “CD Media”, my initials and the broad category to correspond with the broad category of my blog. On the right we have “facts come first,” a simplified version of one of my personal axioms.

 Aside from the technical attributes, the gradient in the background represents the sky fading from white to black, and the triangle represents space, with the stars superimposed on a dark, fading background. Space is represented due to its mysterious nature, the long lines of questions left unanswered and facts left unfound that creates a sense of wonder and curiosity in most of us. The sky represented by the gradient is simply meant to be aesthetically pleasing.

All in all, this is not a very complex logo, and there wasn’t a significant amount of thought that went into designing it. I assume the text will need worked on to make this logo more easily scale-able, but I have yet to find a more aesthetically pleasing layout for the text that works with the overall design. I constructed the logo before the sketch, as I am terrible at designing things via sketch.

After receiving feedback, I decided to make a few minor revisions to my logo. While the design remained the same, I moved the title to the bottom of the image, and the quote to the left. On the right, I added a Latin translation of the quote to maintain symmetry in my image.

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